Friday, November 5, 2010

As the Season Changes

So, here we find ourselves again, contemplating Christmas gifts and counting down the time until school is out for December.
But then I stop and think, "Wait, what happened to Thanksgiving??"
It was recently brought to my attention that people seem to overlook Thanksgiving a bit. Sure, it doesn't help that everyone is putting up Christmas trees and the street signs in town have been adorned with "Happy Holidays" signs. But really, shouldn't we wait until AFTER Thanksgiving for all of this?
I'm a traditional kinda gal. I eagerly await Thanksgiving day every year, not only for the food, fun, family, and fellowship (four Fs...I'll be a preacher yet), but for the official start in my house of Christmas. I pull out the Christmas music and start dreaming of egg nog. The day after Thanksgiving is, according to our family tradition, Christmas tree day. The day when we push past the chairs and cobwebs in the shed and pull out the tree, the ornaments that we made as children, and the beloved Christmas books. When I have a family of my own, I hope to carry on that tradition.
But it's probably going to be hard.
I've had this discussion with my parents and some of my friends, and I've heard some pretty interesting theories as to the omission of Thanksgiving.
My parents say that, since the recession, retail stores are trying to start the buying season earlier to try and make up for the revenue that they've lost. Granted, the only thing that you can really sell for Thanksgiving is food. (Here's a helpful tip from my mom, by the way: buy gifts all year around. It will save you the stress and the price hike come December.) But come on! Why are we forgetting about the Pilgrims?
I even heard the D.J.s on the radio having a friendly argument about whether or not it was too early to start playing Christmas music. Really?
If we keep starting the season earlier and earlier, then Christmas loses its spark. We look forward to Christmas because its special, because it only comes once a year. So I will proudly hold out until Thanksgiving night to pull out my Josh Groban Christmas C.D.
Well, now that I've gotten that out of the way...
I got to see the most AMAZING play last night! *Strange Snow* began its run last night at the community theatre, and it was fantastic! Everything about it, from the acting to the set was spectacular. And, of course, one of the best things about opening night...the reception afterwards!
At said reception, I met someone who is likely to be a good friend of mine. Finally! You meet so many people in college, but you don't really click with very many of them. My new friend just might be one of them. I love theatre people! I never feel awkward or out of place with them; and there's always someone that will talk to you.
Well, those are my thoughts for today! Hopefully I have enough inspiration and brain cells in a few days  to write again.

"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it."

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