Thursday, October 28, 2010

What's a Prince Charming?

Remember that I said we were going to discuss guys?
Well, the time is now.
Oh, where to begin....?
First, why is it that the only guys who seem to talk to me are the ones that I wouldn't be with in a million years? I'm a ten, people. TEN! And, as my sister likes to say, you're not even on the scale. Look at you, and then look at me. I mean, I agree that you should aim high; but please, try for a more realistic goal.
Second, opening lines. Take a good look; these are the only things that I will answer to: my name, Miss, or Ma'am. DO NOT call "Hey baby" from afar and expect me to answer. DO NOT ask me for my number if I just met you. DO NOT keep talking to me after I ignore you.
Is that too much to ask?
I know that there are plenty of women who respond to that. But really, do I look like one of them?
Third, clothing. If you have to pull up your pants every two steps, even though you're wearing a belt, turn around and walk the other way. If you have to wear shorts beneath your shorts to avoid exposing yourself to the world, turn around. I understand that we're in college, and we want to be comfortable; but that doesn't mean that you should dress like you just got out of bed and grabbed a set of clothes that is five sizes too big.
Fourth, language. Please, please, PLEASE speak English when you talk to me! Proper English, not...whatever it is that you speak. I shouldn't have to decipher what you're talking about. Open your mouth. Speak clearly. Do not "holla" at me. Use your inside voice. Didn't your mother teach you this?
Okay, okay. I'll stop complaining.
So what should my ideal Prince Charming have?
I'll give you the abbreviated version, or else we'd be here awhile.
I am hoping and praying to find a guy who, first and foremost, loves God. Somebody who will be friends with me first, and not just because he wants to hook up later. (Don't get me started on friends with benefits.)
I want a guy who knows that he's not perfect, and is willing to learn and to change. A guy who knows what I have to offer, and who won't suppress my dreams. That's my Prince Charming.

I really want some comments on this one! Let me know what you think; and if you want to hear my thoughts on a specific subject, let me know!

"This is true think this happens every day?"

Monday, October 25, 2010

It's Been One of Those Days...

You know those days when you wish that you could just stay in bed all day and shut out the world? I just had one of those days.
Is is too much to ask to let people sign up for classes next semester at a reasonable time? Is it too much to ask to give me a time to sign up when I'm not in class? ARGH! Why is this so stressful?????
Not only that, but I'm trying to decide what song to audition with for The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at the community theatre, and both songs that I've been listening to are really good. (I can be so indecisive sometimes...)
And the show that I was in over the summer is doing a shortened (tremendously) version of the show on November 18th, but our director's father got really sick and she can't be here, so our musician is taking over for her, and we haven't had a rehearsal yet....
Please stop the world, I want to get off.
And have you noticed that there are some days that certain people just work your nerve for no real reason???
Okay, I feel a little better now that I've vented. I also took a nap today, so that makes things better.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you wake up from a nap, you don't know who or where you are? I seriously woke up at 5:30 trying to figure out if I was late for class. Sad, I know.
And btw, I saw Gumby walking around campus today, and a friend of mine dragged me over so that she could get his autograph. Yeah. And I have a sneaking suspicion that I may know who was in that Gumby suit...
On a lighter ankle is better! I still have a little restricted movement, but I'm not complaining. There's always somebody who's got it worse, right?
So someone asked me today, "Are you one of those homeschoolers? Why do you pay your taxes and then stay home?" I was trying to decided if I was offended.
I've been contemplating homeschooling lately. Depending on my career, I was considering homeschooling my kids. It worked for me, so it should work for them, right? But then I remember that every child is different. For example, my younger brother wasn't really cut out for homeschooling. He is one of those "social butterflies", who operates better with others around. I on the other hand, am very happy in my own company.
There are some friends of mine now whose parents home schooled them until about the ninth grade, and then put them into public school. That may be the route I choose. But again, it will depend on a lot of things; the child, my job(s), my spouse, where I live...
Yes, it may be kinda early for thinking about that kind of thing, but I'm one of those people who likes to plan ahead.
Well, those are my thoughts for today. My next post should be a lot lighter. Hopefully. Maybe. Probably. Yes, it will be lighter!

"You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

An Ode to the Nap (and Other Matters)

Today's blog is brought to you by the letter N. (No Niah, this has nothing to do with Bartholomew.) N stands for Nap! Honestly guys, I admit that I used to be one of those people who said, "Naps? Who needs a nap! Naps are for old people and babies!" I was wrong.
After succumbing to my sleepiness and taking a nap yesterday when I got home from school, I found myself marvelously refreshed. I didn't kill the particularly rowdy bunch of children at Bible Study, and I was later able to persevere through a particularly maddening Trig question on my homework.
What's that, you say? You're still not in favor of naps?
Well, then, put this in your pipe and smoke it:  all day today, I've been in the most wonderful of moods. I didn't nearly fall asleep in either of my classes, and everything seemed to make perfect sense. I've even been mapping out my hoped for daily schedule for next semester, and I'm about to start on some homework.
And a side note: my mom believes that it's the preacher in me that likes the whole idea of a nap. (Preacher nap? Get it?)
So anyway...what else did I want to mention...
Oh yes! The maddening fact that I can't sign up for classes until probably the week after next, while a freshmen friend of mine has already signed up. That rather irks me. Especially since, in theatre, there are some courses that are only taught once every other semester. So you HAVE to take them in a certain semester if you want to graduate on time (but since I'm a five year student, I suppose that it doesn't affect me as much...does it?)
All in all, it's really been a grand day. My ankle is almost completely back to normal, which makes me soooo happy. It's no fun limping across campus, let me tell you. And being a cripple is overrated. I mean, some people enjoy getting all of the attention and letting people do all of their work for them; but I'm not one of them. I'm Miss Independent. Don't ask to carry my stuff, don't try to do EVERYTHING for me.
I suppose that I should work on that before I get a husband who tries to be nice and sweet and then I snap at him...
Keep tuned, there's going to be an entry completely devoted to my feelings on men. Cue ominous music...
Antywho, that's what I've got for today. I hope that I've been entertaining!

 "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My First Post!!!

So...this is what it feels like to blog! I've been told by a few friends that blogging is fun, and that I really should do it...and then I thought: I have a lot of things that I think about that it would be cool to share with others. So this shall be my forum!
Some warnings about me before you get hooked: I'm just a smidge nutty. A little more than a smidge. A lot more than a smidge. Okay, okay, I'm really nutty. But what fun would I be if I wasn't?
Now, the about me section. (I'm sorely tempted to just copy and paste from my facebook, but I'm not going to be lazy.) I'm a Sophomore in college, majoring in Journalism and Theatre. Yes, that means that I like to write and I'm very dramatic. In my line of work, that's sort of a job requirement. I'll explain: I'm a Kid's Pastor. If you can't be a bit dramatic sometimes, you'll loose the kids' attention really fast. I've been doing this for nearly eight years now; and I'll tell you, there's nothing more rewarding than seeing that light in a child's eye that says "Aha! I've got it!"
Let's see, what else...I plan to be a novelist when I grow up...and a Broadway star...and a movie star...
Since I'm a college student, I feel like life is sometimes going a million miles an hour. Soooo many things are hitting me from every single angle, and sometimes keeping my head straight is a challenge all in itself. Especially on finals week. Don't get me started on finals week.
But I'm so glad and thankful that I have a supportive family, friends, and, of course, God, to help me through this. I know that in a few years, when I've graduated, then I'll feel all the better about it.
So anyway... I guess that this is my first post!!! I'm sure that I'll be doing this a lot more, now that I know how fun it is!!!!

May the Force be with you!