Thursday, October 21, 2010

An Ode to the Nap (and Other Matters)

Today's blog is brought to you by the letter N. (No Niah, this has nothing to do with Bartholomew.) N stands for Nap! Honestly guys, I admit that I used to be one of those people who said, "Naps? Who needs a nap! Naps are for old people and babies!" I was wrong.
After succumbing to my sleepiness and taking a nap yesterday when I got home from school, I found myself marvelously refreshed. I didn't kill the particularly rowdy bunch of children at Bible Study, and I was later able to persevere through a particularly maddening Trig question on my homework.
What's that, you say? You're still not in favor of naps?
Well, then, put this in your pipe and smoke it:  all day today, I've been in the most wonderful of moods. I didn't nearly fall asleep in either of my classes, and everything seemed to make perfect sense. I've even been mapping out my hoped for daily schedule for next semester, and I'm about to start on some homework.
And a side note: my mom believes that it's the preacher in me that likes the whole idea of a nap. (Preacher nap? Get it?)
So anyway...what else did I want to mention...
Oh yes! The maddening fact that I can't sign up for classes until probably the week after next, while a freshmen friend of mine has already signed up. That rather irks me. Especially since, in theatre, there are some courses that are only taught once every other semester. So you HAVE to take them in a certain semester if you want to graduate on time (but since I'm a five year student, I suppose that it doesn't affect me as much...does it?)
All in all, it's really been a grand day. My ankle is almost completely back to normal, which makes me soooo happy. It's no fun limping across campus, let me tell you. And being a cripple is overrated. I mean, some people enjoy getting all of the attention and letting people do all of their work for them; but I'm not one of them. I'm Miss Independent. Don't ask to carry my stuff, don't try to do EVERYTHING for me.
I suppose that I should work on that before I get a husband who tries to be nice and sweet and then I snap at him...
Keep tuned, there's going to be an entry completely devoted to my feelings on men. Cue ominous music...
Antywho, that's what I've got for today. I hope that I've been entertaining!

 "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to."

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