Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My First Post!!!

So...this is what it feels like to blog! I've been told by a few friends that blogging is fun, and that I really should do it...and then I thought: I have a lot of things that I think about that it would be cool to share with others. So this shall be my forum!
Some warnings about me before you get hooked: I'm just a smidge nutty. A little more than a smidge. A lot more than a smidge. Okay, okay, I'm really nutty. But what fun would I be if I wasn't?
Now, the about me section. (I'm sorely tempted to just copy and paste from my facebook, but I'm not going to be lazy.) I'm a Sophomore in college, majoring in Journalism and Theatre. Yes, that means that I like to write and I'm very dramatic. In my line of work, that's sort of a job requirement. I'll explain: I'm a Kid's Pastor. If you can't be a bit dramatic sometimes, you'll loose the kids' attention really fast. I've been doing this for nearly eight years now; and I'll tell you, there's nothing more rewarding than seeing that light in a child's eye that says "Aha! I've got it!"
Let's see, what else...I plan to be a novelist when I grow up...and a Broadway star...and a movie star...
Since I'm a college student, I feel like life is sometimes going a million miles an hour. Soooo many things are hitting me from every single angle, and sometimes keeping my head straight is a challenge all in itself. Especially on finals week. Don't get me started on finals week.
But I'm so glad and thankful that I have a supportive family, friends, and, of course, God, to help me through this. I know that in a few years, when I've graduated, then I'll feel all the better about it.
So anyway... I guess that this is my first post!!! I'm sure that I'll be doing this a lot more, now that I know how fun it is!!!!

May the Force be with you!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I tried to post a comment yesterday, but it didn't work, but now I am still the first to comment!!! YES! I love it and will so enjoy reading it! I liked the naps thing too...they really do help those of us clever enough to take the chance to try them. =) Tiffany
